
We regularly organize study trips, congresses, workshops, lectures, and press conferences. Here is a selection:

»Vielfalt leben: Was kann Syrien von Südtirol lernen?« [Living diversity: What can Syria learn from South Tyrol?]
2023, study trip in cooperation with the Institute for Federalism (Fribourg) and Eurac Research, Bolzano

»Eine Hand wäscht die andere. Korruption als gesellschaftliche Herausforderung« [One hand washes the other. Corruption as a social challenge]
2023, workshop in cooperation with the Institute for Federalism (Fribourg) and the Protestant Academy Loccum, Loccum

»Diverse and Decentral: How can North Macedonia be a Role Model for Syria?«
2022, study trip in cooperation with the Institute of Federalism (Fribourg) and the European Policy Institute – Skopje, Skopje

»The Constitutional Process Revised«
2022, workshop in cooperation with the Protestant Academy Loccum, Loccum

»Die Rolle der UN im syrischen Verfassungsprozess oder kann Föderalismus einen Ausweg aus der syrischen Krise weisen?«
2022, panel discussion, Erbil

»Learning for Syria – Constitution-Making during Conflict: The Role of the UN« [The role of the UN in the Syrian constitutional process or can federalism provide a way out of the Syrian crisis]
2022, workshop, Vevey

»Netzwerktreffen der NGOs in Syrien« [Network meeting of the NGOs in Syria]
2021, workshop in cooperation with the Institute for Federalism (Fribourg), Fribourg

»Tunesien: Ein Beispiel für Syrien?« [Tunisia: An example for Syria?)
2021, workshop, Caux

»Strategic Planning: Wie weiter im syrischen Friedensprozess?« [Strategic Planning: What next in the Syrian peace process?]
2021, workshop in cooperation with the Protestant Academy Loccum, Loccum

»100 Jahre syrische Verfassung. Dezentralisierung in der MENA-Region« [100 years of the Syrian constitution. Decentralization in the MENA region]
2020, conference, Berlin

»Fiscal Decentralisation and Transition«
2020, workshop, Caux

»Einheit in Vielfalt – Eine Verfassung für alle Syrer*innen« [Unity in diversity – A constitution for all Syrians]
2019, 4th dialogue workshop 2019 with representatives of the Syrian opposition and civil society, in cooperation with the Protestant Academy Loccum, Loccum

»Einheit in Vielfalt – Eine Verfassung für alle Syrer*innen« [Unity in diversity – A constitution for all Syrians]
2019, 3rd dialogue workshop 2019 with representatives of the Syrian opposition and civil Society, Sarajevo

»Einheit in Vielfalt – Eine Verfassung für alle Syrer*innen« [Unity in diversity – A constitution for all Syrians]
2019, 2nd dialogue workshop 2019 with representatives of the Syrian opposition and civil society, Malta

»Einheit in Vielfalt – Eine Verfassung für alle Syrer*innen« [Unity in diversity – A constitution for all Syrians]
2019, 1st dialog workshop 2019 with representatives of the Syrian opposition and civil society, Malta

»Demokratie wagen – füe ein geeintes Syrien« [Daring democracy – for a united Syria]
2018, 4th dialogue workshop 2018 with representatives of the Syrian opposition, Athens

»In Vielfalt vereint – die syrische Zukunft gemeinsam gestalten« [United in diversity – shaping the Syrian future together]
2018, 3rd dialogue workshop 2018 with representatives of the Syrian opposition, Berlin

»Gemeinsam die syrische Zukunft gestalten« [Shaping the Syrian future together]
2018, 1st dialog workshop 2018 with representatives of the Syrian opposition, Bucharest

»Gemeinsam die syrische Zukunft gestalten« [Shaping the Syrian future together]
2017, 4th dialogue workshop 2017 with representatives of the Syrian opposition, Istanbul

»Die Menschenrechtslage in den kurdischen Gebieten Syriens« [The human rights situation in the Kurdish areas in Syria]
2014, podium discussion at Haus der Bundespressekonferenz [Federal Press Conference], Berlin

»Die kurdische Diaspora in Europa und das irakische Kurdistan« [The Kurdish diaspora in Europe and Iraqi Kurdistan]
2008, workshop, Berlin

»Nach dem Angriff« [After the attack]
2008, symposium on the 20th anniversary of the gas attack on the city of Heḻebce at DGB‑Gewerkschaftshaus, Berlin, together with WADI

»Freedom and Repression: Kurdish Print Media, 1898–2007«
2007, congress at Harnack-Haus, Berlin

»Kurden in Syrien« [Kurds in Syria]
2003, congress at IG‑Metall-Haus, Berlin

»Einen neuen Irak aufbauen – welche Zukunft hat Irakisch‑Kurdistan?« [Building a new Iraq—what is the future of Iraqi Kurdistan?]
2003, discussion with Nesrîn Mistefa Berwarî, Minister of Reconstruction and Development in Kurdistan/Iraq at Haus der Bundespressekonferenz [Federal Press Conference], Berlin

»Research in progress workshop on Kurdish gender studies«
2000, Katzow, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

»Between Imagination & Denial: KurdInnen als Subjekte und Objekte politischer und sozialer Prozesse« [Between imagination & denial: Kurds as subject and object of political and social processes]
1998, congress at Harnack-Haus, Berlin

Event to acknowledge the honorary doctor title awarded by the Free University Berlin to the writer Yaşar Kemal
1998, Freie Universität Berlin

»Kurdistan: Geschlechterverhältnis und globale Interaktionsprozesse« [Kurdistan: gender relations and global interaction processes]
1996, lecture series at Freie Universität Berlin

»Kurdistan: Ethnizität, Nationalismus, Religion und Politik« [Kurdistan: ethnicity, nationalism, religion, and politics]
1995/96, lecture series at Freie Universität Berlin

»Sprache, Geschichte, Gesellschaft und Politik Kurdistans und der Kurdinnen und Kurden« [Language, history, society, and politics of Kurdistan and the Kurds]
1993, lecture series at Freie Universität Berlin
